In Unix systems, repositories are called source software, of which the package manager downloads and installs programs. The list of Debian (and its derivatives) is located in: /etc/apt/sources.list and files in the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. The format of the file is:

{type} {adres} {system version} {section1} {section2} {section3}


  • is kind of repository distinguish repositories of binary packages (deb), ready to use, and repositories of source packages (deb-src)
  • repository address, it is usually http or ftp server can also be a local repository (file: //) or CD/DVD
{system version}
  • version used by our system, for example. Stable, testing, unstable. In most cases (in the case of official repositories always) may also be a code, for example: etch, lenny, sid
  • packages group, for example. main (main section includes packages comply with the Debian Free Software Guidelines), non-free (contains the packages non-free), contrib (includes packages free, in line with the DFSG, but somehow depend on packages in non-free). Sections may be given in any order.
nano /etc/apt/sources.list

In sources.list file we can add one line:

deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free

This one allows to update and install new repositories for Kali Rolling users.


Why kali-rolling repository ? Answer from In contrast to kali-dev, kali-rolling is expected to be of better quality because it’s managed by a tool that ensures installability of all the packages it contains. The tool picks updated packages from kali-dev and copies them to kali-rolling only when they have been verified to be installable. The repository is also fed by a stream of tool updates, of which we get notified via our upstream git tagging watch list.

After set up our repository in sources.list file we can easily update system by:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Kali will now check servers for updates. If there any repositories (and it will because we just have a fresh, new system in a virtual environment), it will ask you to install them. Sometimes I can remember the whole command to execute I use permanent aliases. I will create some article: how to create a permanent alias.(status: in progress …)

During installation Kali will ask for restart services during update repositories:

restart services during update repositories
restart services during update repositories

When list of all repositories will be updated, we can use:

shutdown -r now

to restart our machine. Now all repositories should be updated. If you will some problems during update, please leave comment below.


  1. Kali Linux Git Repositories
  2. Kali Linux Official Documentation
  3. @kalilinux on twitter
  4. Kali Linux Forum

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