How to Install Dotnet Core on Ubuntu 20.04
This short post is an walk through to install dotnet core on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux system.
Enable Microsoft PPA
Open a terminal on your Ubuntu system and configure Microsoft PPA by run the following commands:
Installing Dotnet Core SDK
If you are going to create a application or making changes to existing application, you will required .net core sdk package on your system.
To install the previous version of .Net Core SDK 2.1, type:
Install Dotnet Core Runtime Only
To install .NET Core Runtime on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system, execute the commands:
To install the previous version of .Net core runtime 2.1, type:
Check .NET Core Version
You can use dotnet command line utility to check installed version of .NET Core on your system. To check dotnet version, type:
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